Thursday, October 23, 2008

Unwanted Seasons...Unseen Reasons

It is my turn to teach again on Sunday night for the Story of God. We turn to the opening chapters of Exodus and begin to consider the most significant event in the Old Testament (based on the number of OT references to this narrative).

What strikes me is that the Israelites are in Egypt because God led them there. But it is also clear they are not supposed to stay there forever. But, in the meantime the Israelites suffer bondage and bitterness under Pharoah. It had to be the most unwanted seasons in Israel's history.

Why the delay in the return to the promise land? Why were the people left vulnerable to bondage and slavery? Was it simply the wickedness of Pharoah's heart?

I guess the question I have is why must the blessed experience such suffering?

Yet, Exodus 2 reveals that God's timing was quite precise, and His awareness was comprehensive. So it seems the suffering was certainly part of God plan. Even for the blessed.

Note --
While they waited --
1) the people dramatically grew in number, preparing them for the conquest
2) the exodus would provide the shared experience which would define the new nation
3) they would have opportunity to learn to trust God for everything they would need
4) they would leave town loaded down with the wealth of Egypt

I wonder what powerful thing God may be doing in the unwanted parts of your life right now.

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