Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Louisiana Baptist Convention Report #2

The morning began with a great run down St. Charles Avenue, but that wasn't really part of the Convention.

My observations from the official proceedings included --

1. NOBTS President Chuck Kelley's teaching from Romans 8 continued to be strong. This morning, he did a fantastic job on the section that we usually run past in the passage (v. 36). Trouble will come, but the trouble is weak compared to Christ!

2. The exhibit hall featured significantly above average food...fresh cinnamon rolls, Krispy Kreme donuts and beignets! New Orleans can't help but be New Orleans.

3. Nobody seemed to have a vibrate or silent setting on their phones. Considering that the majority of the persons in the room were preachers who get really aggravated by cell phone interruptions in church, it was amazing how many phones continued to ring throughout the morning.

4. US Senator David Vitter was recognized from the platform and greeted by strong applause. I am still stumped by this.

5. David Crosby, host pastor for the annual meeting delivered the Convention sermon. Preaching powerfully from 1 John 3, Dr. Crosby reminded us that "words alone can not carry the full freight of the gospel". The aftermath of Katrina has demanded a more complete approach to the proclamation of the gospel that includes both word and deed. When people ask him if the city is back to where it used to be, Dr. Crosby's response is that "we don't ever want to be back to where we used to be!"

Regardless of what our story has been the last few years, shouldn't that be our response too. We don't ever want to go back to where we used to be. May God continue to grow His people and His kingdom in Louisiana.

1 comment:

Tom Bryant said...

Sounds like it has been a good meeting. Praying for you all. And you're right the SBC ought to be in New Orleans.