Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Pastor in Profile

The Pastor in Profile is one of my favorite books in my ministry library. Part of what makes it special to me is that it was written by a former pastor of my former church. When Adolph Bedsole became the pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Panama City, they had never had a pastor stay longer than two years. He stayed for thirty six.

I became pastor twenty five years after he retired. But his fingerprints remained all over the church and throughout the community. In many ways my job was easier because I followed in his gracious footsteps. Quiet conversations with Bro. Bedsole in my office and in his home were some of the treasures of that season of ministry. I was humbled to be asked to have a part in his funeral.

But the book has more than sentimental value. Published in 1962, it remains full of wonderful, practical wisdom that has held up over the passage of time.

Here are some warnings he gives to young preachers in the opening chapter.

1. Be careful not to have an unduly exalted opinion of yourself.
2. Avoid the assumption of disparaging attitude to other preachers.
3. Don't allow yourself to become a tool of glory seeking "oldsters".
4. Do not look for conflict just to make a point.
5. Beware the desire to "clean out the church."
6. Refrain from the temptation of making dogmatic pronouncements.
7. Guard against become a copycat preacher.
8. Don't swayed by every wind of doctrine.

Examining my own heart as I reread this list has convinced me that I must still be a young preacher.

Next week, I will share highlights from one of my favorite chapters from the book -- Jezebel and Judas on the Trail of the Preacher!

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