Monday, September 29, 2008
Jeremiah 37 -- The Original EF Hutton
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Distracted Church
Monday, September 22, 2008
Invited to Speak
But like I said, I don't get out much.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Teaching The Books of Numbers -- Update
The sections concerning regulations do not quite preach with the ease of say Philippians or James. For instance chapter 5 spends quite sometime describing what amounts to an "adultery smoothie". If a woman is suspected of unfaithfulness she is to take a drink that has been prescribed by the priest. If she is innocent, nothing will happen. However, if she is guilty.....let's just say it is not good.
What does this mean? For one thing the husband is to bring his concerns and suspicions to God and not deal with them himself. But what I found interesting was that while we think of sexual immorality as a thoroughly modern problem brought on by "Sex in the City" mindset of our day, it turns out that promiscuity is "old school", requiring entire chapters of the Bible even for the veil and head covering set.
There is nothing new under the sun. All the more reason for us to build our lives with God at the center.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Jeremiah 35 -- A Counter Cultural Family
But God knew them. He noticed them and was pleased by what He saw.
He sent Jeremiah to find them and as usual He gave Jeremiah an unusual assignment. Find the Rechabites, bring them into the temple and offer them a big bowl of wine. (Jeremiah had to be wondering how many more facets of his call still remained to be discovered….he was now God’s sommelier!)
But they refused the wine. Instead of seizing the opportunity to enjoy some of life’s “finer” things, they quietly declined the offer. You see their father had vowed that his family would drink no wine, build no houses, and sow no seeds. Instead they would live in tents and enjoy many days in the land. It seems this man did not want the bonuses of the land to get in the way of the blessings of the LORD.
Their faithfulness to their father’s vow served as an indictment to the rest of the people of Jerusalem. But it also serves as a reminder to Jeremiah (and the people) that it is possible to live faithfully before God. It can be done. It has been done! God gives a special blessing to this family.
What do see these days? A culture living in defiance of God. A church that is much less than it should be. Believers who disappoint.
Yes, all of that is out there.
May you see them. May you grow them. May you bless them.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Balancing Spontaneity and Strategery?
The list was interesting. Several items mentioned were annual events such as our women’s conference and Vacation Bible School. Other items were new things we planned at this time last year like our community 5K run. But some of our best moments came together as the year unfolded, including a visit from our governor, Bobby Jindal who gave his testimony in our church.
So as we plan for next year we will work on some of our standard events, we will give thought to some new ideas. But we will also leave room to be flexible to the Lord’s leading.
One idea that we are looking forward doing again this year is promoting the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering with live phone interviews during our morning worship service with missionaries on the field. We patch the phone call through our sound system and use google earth on the screens to travel to the place the missionaries live and work.
Last year, we were able to have a couple of these missionaries with us in person later in the year. This year we are planning a bit further ahead and several groups in the church are putting together care packages for the missionaries to help deepen our connections with our missionaries. It is our goal to introduce our church to some of the new missionaries that have joined the board since Lottie!
What are you planning these days? Do you have a part of your church life that you would like to emphasize? How will you keep annual events fresh?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mark 9:43-48 Illustrated
Tom White would rather be a runner that have both his legs.
I am impressed by Tom's commitment....and to be honest, a little concerned about mine.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Quick Ike Update
Thanks again for your concerns and prayers.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Favorite Resource
But alas, the set did not belong to me. It belonged to the church library at my former church. However, in recent months the church I currently serve has begun a new church library. And it should come as a surprise to no one that one the first items I recommended was this four volume NT commentary set.
I had the pleasure of renewing acquaintances this week as I prepared a message from Ephesians 6 concerning God's Expectation that we be battle ready believers. In the ZIBBCS (the initials just shortened that right up didn't they) I learned about the Ephesia Grammata, six words commonly used by Ephesians as a verbal talisman when they sought extra strength and power. This could possibly color Paul emphasis on "being strong in the Lord" not in some pagan power.
What are some of your favorite resources that you consistently find meaningful?
Here we go again....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jeremiah 30 -- Hope for the Embattled Preacher
Even a cursory reading of the text demonstrates that these spoken words have not been well received and understandably Jeremiah has at times been wearied by the process of preaching to unresponsive people.
The funny thing is, a preacher rarely gets the response he believes the message deserves. In his hours of preparation and study the preacher has often been powerfully taken by the Word of LORD that has been revealed to him. It is not unusual to emerge from the study with the conviction that this week's message may be the most important or most timely message you have ever preached. You can not wait to break these words for your people. (If this is not happening in your life, I pray it will this week.)
But then we preach...and await the floodgates of response.
And at times nothing visible ever happens. Even when there is a trickle of response we are deeply grieved and puzzled that there was not more. Jeremiah knew the feeling well. In fact, he didn't seem to know any other feeling. (The stadium crusade with countless streams of people coming down the aisle would have been unfathomable for him.)
But God told Jeremiah, "write these words down."
It was a powerful reminder to Jeremiah (and to us) that we don't always just preach for today. God was telling Jeremiah that even though the people were not ready to listen then, a time was coming when his words would be heard, needed and deeply cherished. His preaching was not in vain. The Word would not return void.
We do not have any way to know how God's Word is used in the lives of those we preach to. We do not know how God will use those words years down the road. We do not just preach for today.
Jeremiah would likely never see that day himself. But it is likely that several million people read his words this week alone. And people responded.
So as you preach this week, remember we do not just preach for today. But also keep in mind as you prepare this are not just preaching for today!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Preaching the Story of God
Ironically, I think what attracts me to chronological Bible storying is the fact that I am literate (though this was a topic of debate in the halls of higher learning at one point) and I am very familiar with God’s Word. The truth is, I envy the experience of discovery and excitement that must unfold each week as new truth is unveiled about who God is as people hear it for the first time.
What would creation mean to me if I heard about it as though it were some just released secret? How would I relate to the trials, triumphs and failures of the people of Israel? What would I think of the incarnation of God as Christ…and his death? And then His resurrection! Would I even believe that a guy like Saul could become a man like Paul?
This past Sunday evening I began a new sermon series entitled “The Story of God” which will attempt to use the principles of CBS to help my literate and somewhat Biblically aware congregation be caught once again (or for the first time) by the wonder of God’s story. Working with my fellow staff members, we selected thirty eight key Biblical narratives that we will be sharing between now and the spring.
Here is the list I am using.

How would your list look? What would you include that we did not? What would you drop from the list?
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Return to Normalcy
Sunday this Sunday.
God bless you as you prepare to lead and feed your congregation this Sunday.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Life After Gustav -- Wednesday Night
Meanwhile, our church still has no power. This afternoon the staff met at church and using a small generator for lights and gas to cook, we cooked up everything in our church freezer then delivered it to folks still without power.
But this lack of power, this 19th century life, is not all bad. In the aftermath of several storms I have witnessed a very unique bloom of community. Having been cooped up for several days and now without electricity people emerge from their homes. Neighbors seeking breeze begin to shoot that same breeze with one another. They check on each other and seek to help in any way possible. Damaged roofs are tarped even when the homeowner has evacuated and is not home. Generators are shared. Yesterday a neighbor whom until this week I have only waved to from my driveway to his, walked across the street to invite my family to take showers at his house since he had functioning hot water. It is really a wonderful thing to watch.
We have begun to hear some sad stories in the wake of the storm. We have had several fatalities from tornadoes following the storm. One of these, a twenty one year young lady, is related to several folks in our church. Another church member worked with a man who was killed cutting down a tree in advance of the storm.
Tomorrow we will continue to address storm issues and also begin to think past the storm.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Cleaning up after Gustav
We were very safe at church. Felt secure enough to sit by the windows and watch the winds. On the way home we did see some fairly large trees down. But the ones we saw fell away from homes. We almost got lost a couple of blocks from church because things were so unrecognizable!
But we are safe. A church came by with a generator and small room ac. We are very grateful today.
Now we get busy cleaning up home and church. Thank you for your prayers.
(As soon as we get power I will post some pictures.)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Not much more waiting now -- Gustav
No more Jim Cantore. I mean for us...I assume he is still fine. We lost power about an hour ago. From texting other people it seems that half of folks have power, half don't.
Wind is really starting to pick up. I am glad that for now this is a daytime event...though we are just getting started.
Still feeling quite safe, but knowing it is going to get interesting before we are finished.
Waiting for Gustav in SW Louisiana -- Monday Midday
Outside the rain is getting heavier and the we expect to really see some weather deterioration in the next hour. The really rough stuff comes later. Forecasters seem to be telling us that we are going to get hit harder by the backside of the storm as it comes through.
Inside, we have a pretty good little spread of snack foods. Seems like the thing to do. Folks have also brought little "busy work" projects to keep occupied. I think we are going to start focusing on lunch and anything else that we can do while we still have power.
The wind howls every once in a while and the lights flicker.
Still waiting. But not complaining.
Top 10 Things to Do Riding Out a Hurricane at Church.
1. Play capture the flag in the youth department.
2. Put the cry room to good use.
3. Take a bath in the baptistery.
4. Mark yourself present for the next quarter of Sunday School.
5. Finally teach yourself to play the drums.
6. Read the entire Mitford series in the church library.
7. Don’t worry what ye shall wear tomorrow – fresh choir robe as needed.
8. Find all the storm related hymns in the hymnal.
9. Snack on all the circle cookies and apple juice in the preschool.
10. Watch Jim Cantore on the sanctuary screens.