Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Balancing Spontaneity and Strategery?

It is that time of the year when our church council begins to work on the calendar for next year. This past Sunday evening we gathered to give the calendar a first run through. Before we began I asked the Council to give thought to some of the most significant/meaningful events of the past year.

The list was interesting. Several items mentioned were annual events such as our women’s conference and Vacation Bible School. Other items were new things we planned at this time last year like our community 5K run. But some of our best moments came together as the year unfolded, including a visit from our governor, Bobby Jindal who gave his testimony in our church.

So as we plan for next year we will work on some of our standard events, we will give thought to some new ideas. But we will also leave room to be flexible to the Lord’s leading.

One idea that we are looking forward doing again this year is promoting the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering with live phone interviews during our morning worship service with missionaries on the field. We patch the phone call through our sound system and use google earth on the screens to travel to the place the missionaries live and work.

Last year, we were able to have a couple of these missionaries with us in person later in the year. This year we are planning a bit further ahead and several groups in the church are putting together care packages for the missionaries to help deepen our connections with our missionaries. It is our goal to introduce our church to some of the new missionaries that have joined the board since Lottie!

What are you planning these days? Do you have a part of your church life that you would like to emphasize? How will you keep annual events fresh?

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