My inbox this morning contained an email from some ministry vendor (interesting pairing of words) with the following subject "Just When You Feel Like Giving Up".
I can't tell you anymore about the email because I immediately deleted it. I am not sure why a ministry vendor is so certain that such a greeting was sure to resonate with me. Of the thousands of others who received the same email this morning (thanks Yahoo for the spam filtering) there likely were some to whom that connected.
But there were likely just as many who would have responded to a subject title such as "Just When Yourself to Greater Impact" or "Just When You Were Ready to Change the World". So why did they pick the negative? Why cater to gloom?
Some time ago a minister friend made an interesting observation to me. So much of our preaching is directed to the person whose life is falling apart. To the prodigal in the pig pen. But does not the gospel speak to the needs of all people, including the bigwig in the corner office. To the rich young ruler.
I wonder how often we have falsely narrowed the preaching of the gospel by only expecting the Eeyore crowd to be interested. Remember, Jesus is not just better than depression, He is better than success! Ask Zaccheaus. Ask James and John. Ask Paul, Luke and Lydia.
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