Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mondays at Luigi B.G. (on a Friday)

This week I am away from the office. We have returned to Florida for a long awaited, multi tasking trip. We are on vacation (Disney soon), we are attending a family gathering (siblings and parents in the town my brothers and I grew up in) and we made a brief stop in our former ministry field.

Our short visit in Panama City was rich. Last night we had a wonderful meal with about 40 folks from our former church, including the new pastor and his wife. What a blessing to reconnect with people who meant so much to us!

I also had a chance to have lunch with some dear brothers in ministry. Every Monday our pastors would gather for an above average time of sharing at our associational office and then we would head to the local pizza buffet where things were always guaranteed to get interesting. Not everyone loved Luigi but for me quality pastoral fellowship will always taste like thin crust pizza. Some have moved away and others couldn't make it, but Luigi and the brothers once again did not disappoint.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like i ate a little too much of the thin crust. It was good to see you & your family again.

Take Care & God bless
