Since our quarterly business meeting didn't take very long this evening, I had
a few spare moments to fill. Below are some thoughts I shared with my congregations....only after we closed the business session!

I have been disturbed by recent decisions and actions by the new Obama administration. This has caused me to examine my long held position as a political non activist. Should I have been taking a larger role as a cultural warrior? It has not been a good week.
But on the other hand....I spent time listening to Christian radio this week. The shrillness of those voices did nothing to tempt me to "preach in camo" this Sunday. (Though in SW LA that might really do something for church attendance.) Instead my concern only increased. Because now I was concerned about my country and the church!
I worry that the reaction to these so called "obamanations" could truly distract the church from its most important tasks. You see the church is not called to win the culture war or to make the majority moral again. Even if we could ensure a political and legal structure that ensured morality, it would not necessarily draw men and women to Christ.
I fear that our eyes could end up on the wrong prize.
But what do we do about the expansion of abortion on demand? How are we to impact our culture? I am still convinced that Acts 19 holds that key. Witchcraft and idolatry were pushed to the brink of extinction in Ephesus. Not because the right leaders rose to power or new laws were enacted but because the gospel powerfully took hold of lives!
So how should we plug in politically? The follow up discussion about our political role unfolded this conclusion -- we participate and take a stand not to change others, but because we have been changed.
Therefore, I will continue to strive to make the Gospel my only rallying cry. It is the least I can do for my Savior. And it is the most I can do for my country.
Amen! Last week I read the 2nd chapter in the book The Truth War by John MacArthur. I came away thinking how often when we think we're standing up for the "right" thing we're really being distracted and missing sharing the gospel! Exactly what you said here. Thanks for writing that and for God giving you the opportunity share His truth with your congregation after the meeting!
Lisa in MI
Good stuff. I am preaching on Revival from Nehemiah 8-9 this week. I am afraid that we have wanted revival/awakening because it will deal with social wrongs. God wants revival/awakening because it connects us to Himself and brings glory to Him.
I came back because something hit me a few days ago...
The MOST amazing part of your post was in the first sentence: "our quarterly business meeting didn't take very long this evening"
YES, YES, YES and AMEN! great thoughts, Tim. I become less and less political every year, and more concerned that the church focus on Christ and proclaiming him. I know the post is months old, but I couldn't resist commenting.
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